Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Ending of Summer in Oklahoma

The humming birds are gone.  They left us early this year ....   what do they know?   ........ The fleas are laying as many eggs as possible before the freeze .......       ..... The banana leaves are drooping.   .......Winter berries are appearing.      .......   And fancy grasses are turning purple. ....   while  Grasshoppers are chewing and chewing ...........    The dogwood leaves are showing the first sign of color.     .....   The pink bromelied blossom has dried up ......  .... The final hibiscus has bloomed. .......  Dried leaves are dropping into the elephant ears which will have to be dug up.   ........Ken is sweeping leaves  ....    while babying Duke who is feeling very puney.......   our summer is ending ...........    soon will be the season of raking leaves and throwing new fescue grass seed ..... mulching ..... and bundling up ...... the fall comes ...... and then the winter .......  every season is vital ........ a part of new life.   ....................................... ......                         "As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and  night will never cease."  Gen 8:22

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