Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Gift of Life for 71 Years

Seventy-one years of productive life given to Ken from God. Because of faith-believing parents, Ken conquered childhood polio, broken nose, and who knows what else. Married at the age of 19, he has survived soon to be 52 years of marriage, a deadly staph infection and much, much more to enjoy this day. No big party this year. There was lunch at Whataburger hosted by the Scharps, a trip to Barnes & Noble, church, and some big time planning for a trip coming in the Spring. This is one grateful birthday boy -- happy to be alive.
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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wise Words From Helen Keller

When one door of happiness closes, another opens, but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one that has been opened for us. .....Helen Keller

Saturday, February 21, 2009

La Cucaracha Dance -- Amazing!

This was my Valentine to Kevin and Bonita.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hailey Grace Turns Nine Years Old

For Hailey's birthday, she had a girls day out at the Jenks Beauty College. Hailey got a hair trim and all the girls had their nails done. It was a special treat for all of them. They had fun.
Kayla's comment: "this is too girlie for me." But I notice that Kayla is having fun too.
Top corner: Kayla, friend, Hailey, Lily & Rosie.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Pop's Camping Stories

One of the benefits of babysitting the grandkids is those special times together when grandparents relate to the kids. Here, Ken is telling Devin stories of what he did as a kid at camp many years ago.
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Another Guessing Game

The last guessing game was sent out to individual emails. And we had a winner... Bonita. So here we go again -- only this time you have to get on the Blog to look and guess.
The question:
Where is Nana ...
What is the Caption here ....
When and what might have happened ... and
Why does Nana look this way?
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Carson's Mural is complete!

Busy mommies do get things done -- just give them time and space. And now Carson's room is complete with an original monster mural painted by Sommer. (Now there are rummors that they may be moving to the hills in the summer.)
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A Corner of Ava's Room

Sommer painted a flower garden for Ava. This is only one corner of it. Taken last spring, 2008 when Ava was only five years old.
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Carson's New Loft Bed

Carson has graduated from the crib to a big boy bed.... there is a mural comming painted by mommie. Carson is three years old in this photo taken in the spring of 2008.Posted by Picasa