Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Tribute to My Husband on His 72nd Birthday

Today is my hubby's 72nd birthday. I can hardly believe it. Who would ever think when we first met 71 years ago that our lives would intertwine so tightly. We first met when we were babies, but neither of us remembers that day. My Dad was preaching a camp meeting in Oklahoma and Ken's parents lived in Shawnee, Oklahoma. Their babysitter offered to babysit me while they went to camp meeting. Wonder if she put a blessing on us or something. Afterwards, my parents returned to Frederick, Maryland, seven years later moved to Greenville, South Carolina and six years after that, we moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma.   Ken's parents were still in Shawnee Oklahoma. Then at the age of 15, we both attended a youth church camp in Oklahoma City and there we met again ..

My first real memories were  at the age of sixteen, Ken's family moved to Tulsa and we attended the same church. The girls told me this new guy liked me. I could not believe it as, I had never had a real boyfriend. I was pudgy and very shy with no self esteem and could not believe that a cute guy like Ken could like me.

I don't remember how long it was after that, but I do remember that first kiss. We were sitting in his car in front of my house and he said "may I?" and kissed me. I really did see stars.

In our senior year of high school, Ken went away to Southwestern Bible College in OKC to the high school division. During that time we broke up for two or three months. Then he came back and later, he proposed. So very young, and no idea what was ahead, we were married June 1, 1957 at the age of 18 and 19, 52 plus years ago.

Learning to live together requires work. Learning to grow up together is a challenge. It takes commitment, Christ in the center of the home, and a lot of determination -- a lot of hard work. But we have done it! And now here we are learning how to grow old together. The learning must never end.

The years have been good. Blessed with five children who now are building their own families.  Grandchildren are a wonderful blessing. I have recorded some of our experiences together in this blog and also at

Thank you God, for giving me the only man I ever loved, a young boy who has grown into a marvelous husband.  He is gentle, he is hyper, he is passionate, he can be compulsive but very giving.  He is slow to anger, and quick to love.   All his life he has had a heart for his family, as well as for little ones and little old people. He has never been afraid to say I am sorry. The best part of all is Ken loves God and loves to spend time in God’s WORD. What more could a wife ever hope for.

We began our celebration last weekend in Dallas by having lunch with Joel, Jen and her parents at the BentTree Country Club.  Then last night we had dinner together with our Tulsa children at the China Star.  Ken received two gift cards to the Bass Pro Shop.  Today we took a little road trip down memory lane by visiting Wagoner where we spent the first night of our honeymoon.  Then on to Western Hills Lodge where we spent the second day and night over 52 years ago.  We went on to tour Tallequah and back home.
Ken started out in his new "winter" hat in the morning and at the Bass Pro, bought his new "summer" hat with part of his gift cards.  
I love you Ken, HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

Monday, February 22, 2010

A Weekend Trip to Plano

Ken and I took a quick little trip to Plano to visit our Texas children.

We left on Friday arriving around 5:00 PM.  First of all giving hugs and kisses to our children, then taking the tour of their new home which God has blessed upon them.    This photo is of the back of the house.   On Saturday morning, Ken and Joel did some little projects.One of which was hanging a gate in the back yard.
Jennifer had an appointment on Saturday morning so we watched Blakely.
Below you will see little Blakely playing her little piano which she inherited from Sydney.

We got to see how Sophie is growing.  Sophie and Nigel are great friends.  Nigel tolerates her puppy hyperactivity.
Saturday evening, Joel had a Black Belt testing for his 6th degree black belt.   Could not get very good photos because of the movement and distance but all of us were there to support his testing.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Three Beautiful Ladies

Joel was testing for his 6th degree Black Belt.......which he now has. His ladies went to support and cheer for him during the testing.
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Friday, February 12, 2010

Dallas Got It Too This Time

I saw on the news that for the first time in all recorded history, there is snow in all 50 states of the USA.
Joel and Jennifer, Sydney and Blakely just moved into a new house.  And guess what, it even snows in Dallas.     We have not seen the home yet, but here is the front and the back swimming pool.  Don't guess they are going to get to try out the pool just yet!     We are going to be visiting the Texas Scrivs in a week or so.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Spicy Perspective - Check It Out!

A Spicy Perspective

Sommer's Blog is really looking great.  I've tried several of the recipes already -- you should check it out!

Learn the story:
"Can you chip-in-o somma feesh?" "Si!" "And you, chip-in-o somma clams?" "Si, si.

You will love it!