Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Journal -- My Day of Rest!

Songs in Sign Language .................  Speak to my heart, ......  ................. change me..............
.......... More of your glory, ............ more of your power...................
.............. Manifest yourself in me................ 
Even though the calendar told us that spring arrived a couple of weeks ago, we have had some questionable weather.   But today, the green grass, bright sunshine and sprouting of flowers proves spring is really here.  Last night Ken and I went to our regular Saturday evening church service at COTM.  Pastor is doing a series on Who is Counting On You.  We must know the GREATER ONE lives inside of us which means that the Jesus in me is bold as a lion.  It was a great sermon.
Today I visited Praise Assembly Deaf Church at 2930 S Garnett Road.  Every time I visit I am reminded that I should attend more often.  The worship in ASL, the personal love, the sharing of one another's blessings, the prayer for one another and the teaching of the Word are consumed with POWER and LOVE.  This is the church that Bud and Barbie attend. 
I was so pleased at how many young people were present today.  A church must have youth to continue to grow.  The church worship honors the Deaf Culture with interactive sharing and testimonies.  Much attention is given to visual input to make the Word of  God Clear.
This young man is telling what he remembers from last Sunday and Janie is interpreting.
Rev. Jimmy and Janie Schwyhart 
Pastor ask for testimonies.  Barbie said that her husband had a testimony.  But Bud was too shy, he wanted her to tell the story. 
So finally, Barbie went to the front and insisted "My Husband Come, my husband come."  Bud finally did and Barbie told the story about Bud having prostate cancer which re-occurred  and has been under treatment  for about two years. 
Finally the doctor decided to do a bone scan test which revealed that Bud is cancer free. 
There was a lot of rejoicing over this healing testimony. 
We were all thanking God for healing power.
When church was over, Janie drove me to Cracker Barrel where we met up with Terri York who interpreted this morning at COTM.  We hardly see one another so it was wonderful to do a lot of 'catching up' on how our lives are going.   I love these two ladies.  Both of them have made a wonderful impact upon my life.
Now you get to see what we ate for lunch.  Janie and I had the grilled chicken and strawberry salad.   Terri always orders the same thing ... the kids meal.
  When I got home after a great afternoon, Ken was working in the yard as well as preparing to grill hamburgers.    Of course I had to grab my camera to prove that spring has really arrived.    This is what Ken found in the yard.   Is that a Carpenter bee who wanted to chew on our deck? 
Our baby dogwood tree 
Oklahoma Redbuds in a BrokenArrow yard. 
Yes, spring is definitely here!  And I very much love spring time.


  1. Thank you for sharing a beautiful testimony by Barbie and Bud Montgomery. Praise the Lord for His goodness, love and mercy. Oh what a beautiful day you had yesterday.

  2. Great testimonies Aunt Jeanie. Thanks for sharing. And we're still waiting for our spring to arrive. Hints everywhere, but not just yet. Dean
