Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Shades Of Brown Before Spring

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven:  a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot ............................... God has made everything beautiful in its time ................. I know there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live .......... this is "God's gift ...."  parts of Ecclesiastes 3:

Haikey Creek Park:  Today is a very beautiful, crisp, sunny day.  The snow is gone (it could return before it is done) and the rains are on hold for now.  It is Sunday.  We went to church last night and learned I've got to be humble and admit I have much to learn in order to get out from under problems.  The motto was "Run Till You're Done" ...don't give up.  Pastor is teaching a series on BROKE.  I did Covenant Church on line and Ken went to Asbury this morning.  So this afternoon, we decided to take Babe and walk in the park.  Ken's health is greatly improved and he is walking much better without anti-inflammatory or pain medications.   We have much to be grateful!

The park is not radiant with color yet.  Yes, it is all the shades of Oklahoma Brown.  I never cared much for brown. I've never considered Tulsa to be lovely in brown.  I don't mean I dislike it.  It's just not my favorite color.  I do wear brown, and I do have brown in the house, but when I wear it myself, I feel a bit drab.  Brown is part of God's creation, therefore I will to appreciate all the shades of God's brown. 

Haikey Creek still bears strong evidences of the notorious ice storm of 2007.  As we walked through the park, Ken commented about why don't they get local inmates out here and clean up the park, saw up the wood and clean the parks out.    Once summer is here, we will not be able to see the aftermath of previous ice storm devastation.

We saw a lot of activity in the park.  Here a lady is sketching.
A few buds and leaves just beginning to sprout.
Last years foliage hanging on.

Are you starting to appreciate the shades of brown with me yet?

As I think about Brown, it seems our lives right now are surrounded with a lot of 'brown feeling' challenges.  The challenges our children are facing, the knowledge that when Jenny is silent as she is now, she is not doing well.  The major decisions that the Scharpf family are facing.  The tremendous financial strain on seemingly everyone.  It is good to know that soon the season of brown will give way to new life springing forth.  Bright colors, happy colors, joyful colors.  Let Life Spring Up Quickly!
Ecclesiastes also tells us there is a time to kill and another to heal, a right time to destroy and another to construct, a right time to cry and another to laugh, a right time to lament and another to cheer ......
A Time To Rest.
A time to smile, A time to enjoy, A time to breath,
A Time to Reflect and A Time to Cleanse.
A Time For Organization. A Time For Planning.
Our Haikey Creek stroll through the shades of brown, tired that tiny somewhat brown dog.  She does not get a lot of exercise from her master .... today they both did great enjoying the goodness of our Father.

A Time For Strolling.
A Time for Friendship and Play.

Soon I will be able to experience words from Solomon:  "..... Look around you:  Winter is over; the winter rains are over, gone!   Spring flowers are in blosson all over.  The whole world's a choir -- and singing!  Spring warblers are filling the forest with sweet arpeggios.  Lilacs are exuberantly purple and perfumed......"

1 comment:

  1. Jeannie, what an interesting and godly perspective. You are a precious lady of great wisdom. Our children shall rise up and call you blessed. KEN
