Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Valentine Outing

Ken and I went out on an 'early' Valentine's Day outing to see the Four Freshmen last night, Thursday, Feb 10.  We had seen them in person a couple years ago at the Broken Arrow High School auditorium and really enjoyed their fun, yet warm musical presentation. Their tight, close harmony is delightful.   Their demeanour is friendly and inviting.  And their songs bring back happy memories of our youth.      In contrast to much of today's music, they do not SCREAM their songs, they sing on pitch, harmony is delightful and I actually can  understand the words.  What a marvel for me!  An added treat was last night they sang with  Tulsa's Signature Symphony.  I so love the strings, the colors, the texture and tones of symphonic  music.

This original musical group was birthed in 1948 at Butler University with Bob Flanigan, Don Barbour, Ross Barbour and Hal Kratzsch of which Bob and Ross are still actively involved with the present Four Freshmen.  This group boasts of being the longest running vocal harmony group in history.    This first matter that I  noticed is that the entire audience (which I might add was a sell out) consisted of wrinkled skin, gray-haired enthusiasts.   Where were the young people?    Could not be that it was too expensive?    No, our youth have grown up on what I consider to be low/minimal talent artest who can scream, wiggle and jive more than harmonize.   What a tremendous generational gap in music.  (Oh wow, listen to myself, so cynical.)  I often wonder what is wrong with me.  When the drums and bass are so loud that my heart flutters to an off-rhythm beat and the musicians themselves wear ear plugs yet, are still loosing their hearing.... I don't get it.  The music of the world today is full of negativity and this 40's music consist of simple love songs.  My old-fashioned brain even observes that some of the  loud modern praise and worship music of today allows for stone faced singers and jivers who do not convey joy for our Savior.  Oh, of course  not all are that way, this is just my simple observation of a modern day  phenomena.

OK perhaps old people are more simplistic, more romantic, what is it......our brains are wired differently perhaps.  It is difficult for me to appreciate darkness mixed with loudness.... Yes oh Yes, I am looking at myself, when did I grow old and set in my ways?  God help me bend....  Help my brain, my soul and my heart rhythm to learn to appreciate and accept some of today's music.  And in the meantime, thank you God for the short breaks when someone comes to town who sings smoothly, on pitch and perhaps sings gently, and thank you God that there are times when I can understand the words.  It does offer a nice breath of fresh air.

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