Tuesday, August 24, 2010

An Early Morning View From the Bubble Zone

There is a reverence, a solitude early in the morning when first arising and entering the lower deck for a early time of contemplation, and warm bubbling.  It is a time of prayer, a time of planning, and time of gratitude.
Even the Babe enjoys the morning ritual where she can sit in the rising sun and think about her day.  (Not real sure if she really thinks.)

A special treat is the visit by our family of humming birds.  They are combative and competitive but they are still a joy to watch.  They dive and dart in between drinks of the sweet nectar.
Birds and butterflies even enjoy the hibiscus blossoms.  And Babe loves to chew on the blossoms that fall to the ground.  I thought about trying these for Sommer's Hibiscus Tea, but decided it is not the same.
We don't have a camera that stops the action but it is a fun challenge to give it a try.
Coming back for more.
The chiminea gives off the fragrance of pinion wood and the smoke offers an ambiance that is delightful.
Of course there has to be a cup of coffee and a watch to know when it is time to go in and a dog -- mans best friend.
The moon rises over the roof as the sun comes up.
And our rooster tells us it is morning and which way the wind does blow.
Birds fly over very high at this time of year and sometimes even an airplane passes by.
No smoke from this chimney but still a reminder of the wonderful fireplace we will enjoy in the winter.
And our old faithful green umbrella that shields us from the scorching sun later in the day.
The cherished Japanese Maple which will be red soon.
The Lemon Balm that has provided us with delightful sun tea all summer long.
And the cart that held our towels, coffee, glasses and such.
Our Herb Pot with chives, rosemary,  and thyme.

Bromeliads that flourish but rarely bloom for us in Oklahoma.  But from the viewpoint of the water, we fondly remember Bromeliads in Hawaii or SanDiego and smile of the happy days of past and look forward to returning there again some day.
The lounge chairs waiting to offer comfort and pleasure.
A reminder of freedom which we must hold onto in troublesome times.
And a resting swan which so faithfully holds our wax begonias. 
Thank you God for the Morning.  For giving us breath for another day.  Thank you for a sound mind and the rest you provide simply because you love us so much.
May we never forget to live life for your honor and your glory and be grateful to you for every breath we breath.  And I always remember the story my Dad told when he was sick and God told him to breath in the breath around him---there is healing in every breath.   I'm breathing deep!

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