Joel entered our lives when Ken and I were about 36 years old.....
now that is Joel's age. There had been some tough years and we were entering the most happy years of our marriage. We had been married 18 years at the time Ken took a job in San Diego, California with Project Concern working with the Walk For Mankind charity. He left Me at home in Tulsa with Kevin and April, flew out to start his new job and look for a home for us. Meanwhile, I was to sell the house. Well, the sell took three months and when he finally came back to get us and move us into our new home, Joel was conceived.
(In San Diego, the doctors call it the Sailor's Syndrome.) Ken went through a new commitment with the Lord during those lonely thee months. He had found a wonderful pastor at a new church he loved in San Diego. It was right across from Balboa Park and
everything was perfect. Our weeks of moving were beautiful. We moved from dry, brown Oklahoma into sunny skies, flowers blooming, ocean and mountains in sight, brand new house, friendly neighbors with a great church and friendship possibilities plus a husband with a renewed commitment for God. Who could ask for more.
Well, we got more--a beautiful baby boy, Joel Nathaniel Scrivner. Kevin and April were 11 and 12 by that time and just as excited about Joel as we were. And they loved Southern California equally as much as we did. Such happy memories.
During the months of pregnancy, we had been given a prophecy about Joel that he was chosen of the Lord and that I was to sing to him and teach him of the things of God. And believe you, I did. Joel was such a fun loving, happy, easy baby with a personality that every mother would hope for. He ran on his tippy toes in utter excitement for life. He lay in his bed at 18 months of age and sung his first song, "Jesus love me this I know, for the Bible tells me so." We were older and more relaxed at parenting so his entry into our lives was sheer delight living in a delightful place.
We thought we would never move back to Oklahoma, but when a business opportunity came up 7 years later, we were back to the Midwest with tremendous adjustments, surprises and challenges. It was tough on Kevin and April as well. But the important component was, we knew we were in God's will. By this time, Sommer had entered our family with all of her delight and blessing.
But this entry is about Joel so back on target. During the teenage years, Joel tested his relationship with God and did have deep inward struggles over his identity. Yet, he never rebelled against God or his parents. Only as an adult did he share with us what had happened to him as a very young child to trigger this struggle. At the age of 17 his commitment to God was sealed as he entered into adulthood as a TaeKwonDo champion. The youngest on his team, he traveled the globe in competitions and was loved by every adult he knew. Still today, Joel thrives on the challenge....the competition. He loves being in the ministry, he loves his beautiful wife and children. And he still loves to play and be challenged. So last month, he and Jennifer went on a mission trip to the LA area while Ken and I happily watched Sydney and Blakely.
So here is Joel back in Southern California 36 years later as leader of a youth mission trip. And while training teenagers to bring hope to the sinner on the street as the ultimate challenge, fun loving Joel takes time out for that physical challenge -- a jog in Hollywood Hills, a climb onto a fence railing, testing his balance, viewing the wonders of God's beautiful creation...and then he does it
... His favorite pose when there is something beautiful behind him to savor. It is the stance of a conqueror.