Sunday, December 27, 2009

Our Peaceful Christmas Day

Here is how Ken and I spent our very quiet and peaceful Christmas Day. Celebration with family was done. And we were snowed in. We slept when we wanted, got up, Ken played with Babe as much as he wanted.
1. Icicle 2 or 3 feet long at Kitchen Window
2. Sweet burning Candles
3. Playful puppy now 4 months old
4. Beautiful view of snow
5. New soft jammys from Joel and Jen
6. Car stuck in driveway going no where
7. Angel doll to remind us of Sommer
8. Neighbors visited (Rachel)
9. Warm fireplace
10. Pepper lights on our tree
11. Beautiful Red Bird
12. Lite tree on stairway landing

I was scheduled to work at the Call Center but I could not get into the uncleared parking lot, so I stayed in all day -- actually stayed in two days. It was nice .... do what want ... eat when want ... listen to Christmas music all day. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JESUS, THIS IS YOUR DAY!
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The Scharpf Family Minister Blessing to the Papa and Nana

So we were snowed in for Christmas.
I was scheduled to work but could not get there.
So two days after Christmas, the entire Scharpf family came over to shovel out our driveway and sidewalk.   It was a very very big job and we are very grateful.

Thank you to Dave, April, Elijah for doing such hard work for us.  You saved our lives and our backs while stretching yours.    And thanks to the girls who offered moral support to the effort.

You were a blessing to us!  We Love YOU.

Thanks Again!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

From Our House to Yours

Christmas Eve was a great day ... a lazy day for me and I loved it. We met April, Dave, Elijah, lily, Rosie, Kevin, Bonita, Devin and Hailey at our Church "Christmas with Family" Service. It had started sleeting at 3:00 PM (Kayla's family were not able to make it.) The service was wonderful and when we exited, we had snow. We were all invited to the Scharpf home for a Christmas Eve Supper. Yummy food and lots of fun playing games: pictionary, charades, bingo. Because of the weather, we decided we had better all get home. OH MY, DID WE HAVE TROUBLE GETTING OUT! We were beginning to wonder if we were going to have to sleep on Aprils floor. But after, much pushing, shoveling, digging, kitty litter and more pushing and pushing, they got us out and we arrive safely home. Kevin and Bonita's car handled the snow better than ours did and they made it home safely as well. We are all happy to be in our warm safe houses. It is a great Christmas! Thank you God, for sending your Son into our world so that we can have Peace on Earth and Good Will. We love our life because your are the Lord of us.  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Our Family At Christmas Time

We have managed to get together with all of our children over the Christmas and Thanksgiving season ---- except for Joel, Jennifer, Sydney and Blakely. Somehow, we have got to figure out a time and a date to spend some time with our precious Texas Children. We did Thanksgiving with Sommer and her family. Then Took the Tulsa children to Branson on the 11th - 13th. And last night, we took Jenny Lynn and her family to The Christmas Train at Dry Gulch, USA. Our presents have been distributed. And The Dallas kids will be getting their little goodie package in the mail with hopes of seeing them very soon. Then Ken and I are planning to have a very quiet Christmas together -- I am even working on Christmas Day at the Call Center. That will be a new experience.

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Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Son Who Never Gives Up

Joel ran a 26.2 Marathon today with no one there cheering him on.   Everyone who trained with him, got injured.              He said he ran it in 3 hours 55 minutes -- the winner from Kenya who ran (barefoot?) finished in 2 hours.     He reports that the first 20 miles he felt great.  Then, at mile 23 he  what runners call  "hit the wall' and thought he was going to die.   "I wanted to quit so bad but I knew I would not quit."   somewhere around mile 25 he recovered and finished the race.  For the next four hours he was so sick, it felt like food poisening.       What a fighter you are, Joel!   That bulldog determination has to come from God.